Network and Shift Management

Behind the daily management of a transport company lie complex processes that range from network management to vehicle/crew shift planning, service optimization, and the management of daily changes. These and many other organizational and process-related aspects must comply with current regulations and company contracts while also meeting an increasingly complex and demanding public mobility request.
Aware of these dynamics, Pluservice continuously and thoroughly analyzes all sector problems and processes, always collaborating closely with transport companies.
This constant effort allows us to implement a comprehensive solution for managing the entire transportation service schedule, simplifying numerous aspects through an advanced web application capable of providing, for example, parallel environments for network management simulations, mathematical calculations for optimizing the best and fairest shifts for drivers, and quick tools for daily changes and payroll or management control reporting.
The system architecture is designed according to the Web-Based model, allowing for easy installation on different data centers, system migration, and access from any networked workstation, with vertical and horizontal system scalability, resulting in reduced management costs. The application is also designed according to the European public transport standard Transmodel (EN12896) v6.
This has enabled and facilitated the development of a module for generating operational data for public transport operators in the NeTEx Italian profile format.
NeTEx Dataset Generation

Starting from the static operational data of Public Transport Operators, the developed solution enables the generation of the NeTEx dataset.
By receiving input data and starting from a standard GTFS file, it can enrich this data with additional relevant information, such as contracts and vehicles, to comply with the Italian NeTEx profile (to which Pluservice actively contributed during its definition by participating in the technical working group. The guidelines can be reached at the following link)
Generating data in NeTEx format is a concrete response to the need of Public Transport Operators to produce such data for the so-called National Access Point (NAP) managed by MiMS (EU delegated regulation 962/2015 that supplements directive 2010/40/EU) which will soon become operational.

User Configuration
Each user is specifically configured to operate within the application according to their authorization profile.
Network and Cartography
This module is dedicated to the graphical management of the company network, starting from the insertion of stops on the map with their attributes to the construction of routes. Any online service can be used as a background: Google, OpenStreetMap, Bing. The system allows for the creation of simulation versions to prepare the service in advance or a new traffic plan.
Starting from the cartographic data, trips are created, and stop schedules are defined. The system allows for quickly loading existing data or designing new scenarios, managing all aspects related to the service, from providing instructions on vehicles to notes for the driver and the final user.
Crew and Vehicle Shift Planning
Using graphical boards equipped with all the necessary tools, vehicle and crew shifts are created with a supervision system to ensure compliance with regulations.
Planned Assignment
The module allows for the controlled assignment of shifts and rest periods to ensure a balanced distribution of services, aiming to minimize overtime while complying with reference regulations, such as L.138/58 and EC Regulation 561/06, regarding rest periods and driving times.
Actual Assignment
The module allows for modifications to the planned schedule for daily management of shift and vehicle changes, the addition of ad-hoc services, and the programming of reduced services in case of strikes, always in compliance with regulations. The system is connected to the company bulletin board, with which it communicates in real-time regarding vacation requests and shift changes. The use is facilitated by tabular graphical tools, which, thanks to customized color coding, automatic assignment of uncovered shifts, and indications of hours worked or any accrued overtime, optimize and reduce the work for operators.
Service Reporting
Kilometers and times of all services performed or missed over a selected period are summarized. The user has the option to create formulas to summarize the data according to their needs.
Payroll Reporting
Through standard parameterization and custom adjustments based on second-level agreements, all daily and periodic competencies related to completed shifts are calculated. Overtime can be compensated according to internal agreements, and adjustments can be made before sending the data to payroll.
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