Flexible Transport

Flexible Transport services play a key role in sustainable mobility, complementing fixed-schedule Public Transport services.

With the goal of promoting more rational use of private vehicles and thus encouraging flexible and shared mobility services, Pluservice has designed a digital platform optimized for these mobility systems.
By its very nature, flexible transportation requires service organization that can be easily managed through digital solutions, accessible to users via apps and the web.
For each type of service, Pluservice offers an ideal solution for managing requests, scheduling, and publishing the service, whether it involves vehicle and route sharing, as in vehicle sharing, or on-demand services, such as ride-hailing services.

Vehicle Sharing

A flexible and adaptable solution for different types of vehicles: cars, scooters, and bicycles.
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Car Pooling

The technological solution for sharing trips among multiple people using a single vehicle.
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Optimization of the entire operational flow and comprehensive management of the vehicle rental process, including tourism.
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