Vehicle Sharing

In the context of vehicle sharing, Pluservice has developed a flexible solution adaptable to various types of vehicles: cars, scooters, and bicycles.
The technological platform enables the management of vehicle rentals provided by companies operating in the urban area, thereby promoting simple and functional transportation without the need for a private vehicle.
Rental duration is calculated per minute based on actual usage time, also allowing the reservation of one or more vehicles, with the possibility of maintaining the reservation for a configurable period.
Operator Back Office
The system provides the operator with a web app for viewing rentals (not yet active, in progress, expired), managing, and redistributing vehicles among the different stations in the network.
Using dedicated forms, the operator can instantly view the availability of their fleet, categorized by type.
The Business Intelligence tool Pentaho integrates with the proposed system to provide the operator with detailed statistical reports and service monitoring.
User App
Through a dedicated app, access to the service is immediate and allows users to:

  • Find rental stations nearby or relative to a specific address
  • Make a reservation specifying the desired vehicle type
  • Pick up the vehicle
  • View the history of past rentals

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