Personnel Management

The Personnel Management module allows monitoring of all aspects related to personnel management, both in terms of administrative and payroll components and work life, professional training, career in the company, curriculum vitae, skills, and employee potential evaluation.

The goal is to assist users in archiving staff information, enabling them to extract necessary data with maximum flexibility in aggregation. The module is organized into thematic sections, each specifically dealing with a particular aspect of management and structured to ensure full integration with other Pluservice management procedures.

Candidate Management
Allows for acquiring, archiving, and consulting incoming resumes and related documentation, simplifying and improving the evaluation process when hiring personnel.
Employee Management
Allows for storing and consulting both personal data and work-related information of the employee, enabling sharing through customizable reports directly by the operator or through simple and flexible guided exports.
Deadlines and Communications to Employees
Allows for generating and managing various types of deadlines, such as licenses, medical visits, document delivery, etc., associating them with groups or individual employees. For each deadline, it is possible to set related alerts, decide on advance notice, and manage the subsequent communication to the employee, a functionality present in other modules of the procedure and realized through the production of easily customizable reports.
Training and Development
Allows for planning periodic training and development activities for staff, organizing courses, and recording the skills attributed to participants, simplifying and improving the selection process of personnel who meet specific needs. Through a precise logical connection between the functions within the company and the employee’s skills, whether acquired through specific training paths within the company or already possessed by the employee at the time of hiring, it is possible to verify the positions they hold and those potentially suitable for them.
Disciplinary Actions
Allows for the management of disciplinary actions and related investigations, proposing and storing necessary data at each level. The process also manages any penalties generated by the procedure, allowing for easy and quick consultation. The information manageable at this level is varied and complete: from the date of “notice of the fact” subject to disciplinary action to the “employee contestation” date, to the management of the deadline for any justifications, and finally to the setting of the criteria for the possible application of the disciplinary action.
Payroll and Budget
Allows for importing payslip data, calculating forecast amounts, preparing data for their accounting with the production of the journal entry for the accounting procedure. Regarding the Budget, it allows for forecasting personnel costs, divided between fixed and variable, comparing different organizational scenarios.
Salary Data Visibility and User Profiling
Once payroll data is imported into the management system, it is possible through a specific command to determine which operators can view certain information. This “filter” is set to remain active until manually modified, with each user access to the procedure. Profiling can occur at both the Cost Center level and the payroll item level, and both criteria can be present simultaneously: in the first case, the user will view all payroll items used for one or more previously filtered Cost Centers; in the second case, the user will view one or more payroll items, previously filtered, for all Cost Centers. Applying both profiling criteria, the operator will view a limited number of valid payroll items for a limited number of Cost Centers.
Automatic Advancement of Salary Parameters
Specifically for companies applying the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri, this recently implemented section allows for considering the advancements provided by national regulations based on the employee’s length of service. For those without Pluservice management applications, a specific track is provided for importing monthly employee absences. In this way, the application stores the overall duration, within a user-specified time frame, of all types of absences that affect the employee’s career advancement and the automatic achievement of the next contractual parameter.
Salary Element Registry
This section allows for setting up a table containing the employee’s salary data. It is possible to create a registry of salary parameters and a list of individual salary elements: in this way, the user can check at any time which parameters correspond to certain salary elements.
Health Checks
In this part of the program, it is possible to manage a schedule of visits and health checks that the employee is required to undergo during their working career. It is possible to set controls and subsequent automatic deadlines based on a series of factors, such as the employee’s age, company sector, or other criteria. In this way, once the frequency of the required check-up is established, the procedure automatically generates subsequent deadlines, providing advance notice to the user, and allows for the recording of a history of all check-ups performed, employee by employee. It is also possible to condition the generation of the next check-up deadline based on the outcome of the previous one.
Filing and management of traffic violations
Extremely useful for monitoring driver behavior, this section allows the user to keep track of the type of violation and its expected penalty.
Through specific link preset by the user, the procedure translates the sanction into an actual deduction of the license points entered in the employee’s record.
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