Quality Control

A Corporate Quality System is defined as a management method that aims to guarantee the final customer’s satisfaction by controlling all processes that influence the quality of the product or service offered.
The key points of the management criteria are:

  • Controlling critical areas that influence quality;
  • Involving the entire company in the quality management process;
  • Documenting processes and collecting information;
  • Analyzing control results and acting accordingly.

The purpose of the application is to support company staff and management in managing activities within the Corporate Quality System.
The application particularly focuses on measurement, analysis, and improvement aspects related to the management of company issues (Anomaly Reports, Non-Conformities, Corrective/Preventive/Improvement Actions) and the company structure itself (Organizational Chart and responsibility management).

Reports, Complaints, and Non-Conformities
The application allows for the recording of anomaly reports and complaints received from users, their traceability, and their linkage to any related Non-Conformities, which can also be automatically generated. The categorization of report types and areas of interest enables detailed analysis of both frequency and type. Regarding user complaints, after the evaluation phase, the application allows for responding to users via email or SMS.
Regarding non-conformities, the application allows for their traceability and maintains their link with the reports from which they may have originated, as well as with Corrective/Preventive/Improvement Actions that can be automatically generated after the evaluation and treatment phases.
The detailed classification of anomalies/complaints, NCs, and Actions allows for simple and effective monitoring of the quality process and in-depth analysis of the temporal recurrence of events.
Inspection Audits
The application allows for recording inspection audits conducted in the company, indicating the period of execution, the subjects/departments involved, and provides the possibility to attach any documentation produced during the audit and to enter any non-conformities identified in the processes under review.
Environmental Management (ISO 14000)
The application allows for the management of functional aspects indicated by the ISO 14000 standard related to environmental aspects.
Specifically, the following are managed:

  • Types of Environmental Aspects
  • Process status
  • Environmental impact
  • Probability
  • Degree of influence
  • Classification
  • Assets/Plants
  • Environmental Aspect
  • Printing of environmental aspects

Quality and Safety Documents
The module provides for the management of all types of documents required and issued in accordance with regulatory requirements; it provides guidance for issuing, managing, and consulting:

  • Quality manual
  • Management and Organizational Procedures
  • Operating Instructions
  • Internal documents

Documentation is easily accessible by authorized personnel. Each document maintains a history of its distribution and any changes made during revisions. Each document can be associated with:

  • The related physical file
  • Its category
  • Its type
  • Its electronic/paper location
  • The person responsible for issuing and approving it
  • The relevant company area
  • The distribution list
  • The revision history

Supplier Qualification
The module provides for the management of all types of documents required and issued in accordance with regulatory requirements; it provides guidance for issuing, managing, and consulting:

  • Quality manual
  • Management and Organizational Procedures
  • Operating Instructions
  • Internal documents

Documentation is easily accessible by authorized personnel. Each document maintains a history of its distribution and any changes made during revisions. Each document can be associated with:

  • The related physical file
  • Its category
  • Its type
  • Its electronic/paper location
  • The person responsible for issuing and approving it
  • The relevant company area
  • The distribution list
  • The revision history

Customer Satisfaction Surveys
This functionality allows for setting up customer satisfaction surveys to be distributed to users and recording their responses to measure satisfaction levels.
Human Resources and Training
The module allows for managing staff training, recording related skills, and managing training courses.
Process Management and Risk Assessment
This functionality allows, in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the assessment of risk/opportunity related to:

  • Non-conformities
  • Actions
  • Process map flows
  • Context analysis

Service Control
Within the Quality System, it is possible to view the results of quality checks carried out on board by traveling staff using the myCheck app.
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