ERP and management information systems for transport companies

Pluservice develops management, integrated information systems and ERP for the management of smart mobility

We have been developing management information systems for transport companies since 1988, occupying a leading position on the national scene, with more than 300 active clients and about 2000 applications installed.

ERP for transport companies

We design and develop modular integrated management information systems (ERP) that offer maximum operational ease, reliability, and streamlining of various work phases.
At the core of our application methodology is the direct and in-depth understanding of the needs and structural characteristics of the target market and the client, honed over more than 32 years of experience.
Development of Integrated Systems for Mobility
Our approach is to offer tailor-made solutions realized with a “System Integration” logic, through innovative, modular and integrated procedures, using the best technologies available on the market and highly qualified professional resources.

General Contractor for TPL
and Passenger Transport Companies

Our philosophy is based on a tested formula of “General Contractor”, through which we position ourselves  as the sole supplier of turnkey global solutions, taking on delicate assignments from public entities and companies operating in the target market.
Study, research, design, training, and assistance are the pillars of our strategy.
Our constant commitment to R&S allows us to continuously offer our clients the most advanced and innovative solutions and services.

With our IT pilot for the global management of passenger transport companies we manage:


maintenance of vehicles


km traveled in a year


scheduled daily runs


driver shifts


employee payroll


carriers using Telemaco


subscription control


ticket sales points

Where we are

The headquarter is located in Senigallia (AN), in the center of Italy.
With five operational sites located throughout the national territory, we are always close to our customers’ needs.

  • Senigallia
  • Roma
  • Torino
  • Bari
  • Cosenza
  • Catania