Business Intelligence

The operations of company staff on management modules and user activity on B2C modules generate a large amount of data that constitutes valuable informational assets for the company. Extracting knowledge from this data and supporting business decisions is the challenge that Business Intelligence aims to overcome.

Evaluating and improving the performance of a transport company has become an increasingly important and relevant topic. The introduction of service contracts necessitates the measurement of numerous management aspects beyond the financial results derived from balance sheets.
Business Intelligence serves as the central and certified point for data dissemination within the company. All company operators can monitor the performance of their areas of responsibility, identify critical issues, and develop corrective actions to improve management efficiency and effectiveness.

Data Warehouse
The Data Warehouse is the backbone of the Business Intelligence system. In this module, data produced by the ERP is transformed and related to each other. The complex structure of operational databases, optimized for ERP operations, is transformed into a structure designed for the analysis of large volumes of data.
User Portal
The informational content of the Data Warehouse is made available to users through a User Portal. Pluservice has experience in providing Business Intelligence on a wide range of commercial products, including SAP Business Objects, Hitachi Pentaho CE, Microsoft Power BI, Qlik View, and Tableau. Typically, the user portal is configured as a web portal that allows the processing and visualization of informational dashboards, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), and reports. Authorized users are profiled for access to relevant company areas. The contents of the data warehouse can be explored autonomously and easily by authorized operators.
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