Car Pooling

Car pooling originated as an autonomous form of organizing the sharing of the same trip among people using a single vehicle. Over time, this form of sporadic and unstructured mobility has expanded and become organized through technological platforms. Car pooling thus becomes a driving force for reducing traffic congestion, CO2 pollution, and other particulate emissions.
Currently, there are two main types of car pooling: the first involves the home-to-work commute among employees of the same company, often organized directly by the company; the second involves occasional trips for users who do not belong to well-defined categories, either logically or geographically.
Car pooling began as a cost-saving measure for a trip, evolving into a tool for reducing the environmental impact of daily and occasional travel. By reducing the number of circulating vehicles, air and environmental quality improves, with positive benefits for the entire area. To engage and spread an active culture of environmental protection, users, administrations, and companies need to equip themselves with modern tools to adopt the new mobility paradigm.
The benefits gained in introducing a carpooling platform are related to the lower personal and/or corporate environmental impact that the user has during his or her commute.
The reduction in CO2 emissions can be calculated to determine the individual or corporate environmental footprint.
For corporate car pooling, environmental improvements can be incentivized through tax measures, with rewards given to employees. Additionally, car pooling is one of the most used tools by Mobility Managers (now mandatory for companies with more than 100 employees in cities with over 50,000 inhabitants) as an action introduced through the PSCL (Home-Work Travel Plans).
Ride Sharing Offers
This module allows for the definition of the route, dates, time, trip frequency, stops, vehicle, and trip type. Specifically, it is possible to manage trips with a private car, company car, or shuttle (for corporate car pooling with a bus provided by the company).
Ride Search and Booking
Search by origin and/or destination (O/D), by period, from a list, and then send a booking request. The system can be configured for automatic acceptance of requests (typically for rides with company cars and shuttles) or explicit acceptance by the driver.
In the Car Pooling module, users can search for car pooling solutions integrated within the multimodal travel solution engine, expanding travel possibilities and increasing the usage rate of car pooling platforms.
Bulletin Board
List of trips offered and requested by users with filtering by place O/D, by date and time.
Travel Affinity Calculation Engine
An automatic system that verifies travel compatibility between those offering a ride and those seeking one. By sending notifications to users, the likelihood of a successful trip is increased when compatible needs are automatically identified.
My Trips
At any time, users can consult all trips as a driver or passenger that they have planned or completed (trip history). This information can be displayed as a list or calendar, helping the user review their activities.
Back Office
Operational management module for the system by dedicated personnel (typically for corporate car pooling). The main features include:

    • Reporting: trip summaries, daily, weekly, for a custom period.
      • Incentive and reward calculation.
    • Export: export of consolidated data for a period to connect to other systems (e.g., payroll management for recognizing incentives).
    • Dashboards: daily status of the car pooling service with the help of indicative and easily interpretable graphs.
    • Fleet Management: creation, modification, and management of the availability calendar for company vehicles assigned to one of the managed modes.

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