Maintenance and Warehousing

Integrated management of maintenance and company asset fleet.
Maintenance consists of predictable activities, controllable ones, and, finally, completely uncontrollable activities such as those caused by breakdowns, accidents, and general damages. The Pluservice solution optimizes the number of backup vehicles and facilitates daily workshop activity planning by considering:
•Information from staff shifts;
•Details of the service scheduled for the vehicle;
•Reported failures;
•Preventive maintenance;
•Standard times for performing maintenance activities.
Asset Records
Company assets are undoubtedly the main entity of the Workshop application. The module allows for the registration of the vehicle data for which maintenance is managed, including administrative deadlines, fuel supplies, mileage, component movements (rotating assemblies), onboard equipment, performed work, active warranties and signed contracts. Special attention has been paid to document management; it is possible to associate and view:

  • Documents and images of any format (txt, doc, xls, pdf, dwg, jpeg) related to technical characteristics, operating instructions, registration documents (with the possibility of acquisition via scanner);
  • Vehicle and machinery records;
  • Purchase invoices for work performed externally.

Scheduled Maintenance
The application allows for the setup of necessary scheduled maintenance tasks for each type of asset, specifying the individual operations to be performed, the related frequency (mileage, time-based, or mixed), an urgency alert range, and the commitment in terms of spare parts required for each activity (bill of materials).
Failure-Based Maintenance and Anomaly Reporting
Management of anomalies found on an asset, whether from operation or directly detected by workshop operators during maintenance activities.
Predictive Maintenance
Predicting fleet breakdowns in advance is the goal of every technical department. Predictive maintenance represents the future of maintenance: through data analysis and processing from sensors and the electronic control unit installed on vehicles, it is possible to foresee and prevent imminent failures, resulting in increased vehicle availability and economic savings.
Contracts and Penalties
The module allows for the management of Contracts and Agreements signed by the company with external entities related to the company’s fleet assets. This includes, for example, the management of LCC (Life Cycle Cost) and Full Service Contracts. Each contract can be associated with:

  • Deposits;
  • Renewal history;
  • Related assets;
  • Provided services;
  • Guaranteed services.

Particular importance is given to penalty management. It is possible to implement automated calculations of any penalties included in contracts to monitor supplier performance.

Maintenance Budget
This module allows for the forecasting and setting of all expense items related to the maintenance management of the company’s vehicle/plant fleet.
The user simply selects the list of vehicles/plants to include in the budget and the period for which the expense will be calculated, and the system will automatically propose:

  • The cost and labor hours needed for scheduled, accidental, and extraordinary maintenance work (amortizable);
  • The cost of materials required for scheduled, accidental, and extraordinary maintenance work (amortizable);
  • The cost related to fuel-lubricants;
  • The cost related to signed contracts;
  • The cost related to administrative deadlines;
  • The estimated cost for accidents.

The application also allows for comparing each budget item with actual data for the same period, highlighting any discrepancies between forecasted amounts and actual expenses. It also enables the verification of whether available labor is sufficient to perform the planned activities or if some tasks need to be outsourced.

Vehicle Acceptance
The primary goal of the ‘Acceptance’ module is to simplify the work of vehicle acceptance personnel by facilitating real-time management of vehicle stoppage/release and the opening/closing of work orders. The module is extremely simple and fast to use, providing the user with detailed information on the maintenance history of the asset. The acceptance module also allows for the viewing/printing of all information related to the examined vehicle: open reports, used materials, work history, stoppage history, open reports, preventive maintenance list, major works performed, recorded levels history, mounted assemblies, and active deadlines.
Work Orders and Activity Tracking
“The work order is a sort of container that gathers activities (performed internally or outsourced) and materials used for maintaining a company asset. Through the Workshop, each work order can be analyzed from both a technical and economic perspective. During the finalization phase, the application allows for recording the performed work and related times, indicating the people or the external supplier who carried them out. Special attention has been given to information related to the activities carried out by workshop operators, with the possibility of acquiring them automatically through the use of fixed electronic detection systems located within the structure or through portable devices (tablets).
To this end, the Easy-Plus subsystem and the Android mobile application called ‘EasyWork’ have been developed, which assists the Workshop operator in their daily activities and allows them to quickly and easily report the work being performed.”
Rotating Assemblies Management
The module allows for the monitoring of rotating components installed on company assets, such as the engine, gearbox, differential, validators, tires, and tracking all relevant information, such as the history of movements: installation, removal, dispatch for processing, and reintegration into inventory. It is possible to reconstruct the history of each component from purchase to scrapping or sale.
Anomaly Reporting
The application allows for managing anomalies found on an asset, whether from operation or directly detected by workshop operators during maintenance activities. Initially, each report is assigned an “open” status (i.e., unresolved) and remains as such until it is resolved (closed) or rejected if the workshop staff does not detect the reported anomaly. The report can be closed directly during the vehicle release phase if the report was associated with a work order. Each report is characterized by a “type,” which in turn belongs to a “sector” and a “block.” Each type of problem can be associated with a corrective action code, speeding up the repair management process. Some severe types of anomalies can be classified as blocking: in this case, the system can automatically order the asset to be stopped.

Reports can be entered into the system through various channels:

  • Dedicated interface in the Workshop;
  • Company Bulletin Board;
  • myDesk App;
  • Onboard computer installed on the vehicle.

Fuel and Mileage Management
The module allows for the management of withdrawals (fuel, lubricant, and fluids) and mileage of the company fleet. Management can be manual through the entry of records in a dedicated interface, or automatic, with direct data loading from external sources (computerized dispensing devices or files provided by oil companies).
Warehouse management
“The wharehouse module is dedicated to all operations related to controlling availability, movement, and valuation of items.
Loads are automatically managed through the recording of purchase documents in the passive cycle (Received DDTs, Accompanying Invoices).
Discharges can be entered directly into the procedure through a dedicated interface or with the help of a mobile application.
The system allows for the generation of periodic inventory, valuing the final stock at weighted average cost, average cost, or last cost.
The passive cycle is managed in all its phases, from the creation of the Purchase Request to the accounting of the Invoice received from the supplier. It is possible to define the bill of materials for each Workshop activity.”
Administrative Deadlines
The module allows for managing the schedule and related costs of: property taxes, insurance, MCTC inspections, cleaning, certifications, fees, and generally all administrative deadlines related to company assets. The types of deadlines are defined by the user and therefore customizable according to the needs of the individual company. The deadline archive contains, among other things, the asset’s identifying data, the deadline data, and the execution and next deadline dates for each managed type. The module also allows for the activation of automatic alerts related to relevant deadlines, which are displayed to the operator already during the program’s startup.
Data Analysis and Control Dashboard
The Workshop data analysis module allows for obtaining highly detailed information and thoroughly analyzing workshop management costs and relevant data such as vehicle mileage or material consumption. For example, it is possible to analyze:

  • Fleet Composition (age, emission category, model, length, …);
  • Asset cost per kilometer (materials, external work, internal work, fuels, …);
  • Type, number of interventions, and amount;
  • Quantity and cost of internal labor;
  • External work by amount and supplier;
  • Quantity, amount, and type of materials used;
  • Vehicle mileage by type and period;
  • Fuel-lubricant consumption and amount broken down by type, period, and supplier;
  • Number and type of stoppages;
  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR);
  • Mean Kilometers Between Failures (MKBF);
  • Recurring faults;
  • Fleet availability.

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