Validation and Control

Validation and access control
Our validator application software has been activated on the main market devices and can be configured each time to adapt to the characteristics of the ticketing system, the validator, and the media provided: account based contactless or on QR code, card centric contactless, EMV, mobile ticket, or a mix of the above. It can be used in both open and closed systems, through integration with the fixed gate or onboard turnstiles.

The application adapts to a variety of architectures: it can work online, through direct communication with the central services, or locally, based on parameters and lists. It can integrate with the onboard computer, if available, and acquire data related to the current service from the AVL system. It also manages numerous degradation conditions.

Onboard personnel can instead use the Android myCheck app to validate public transport tickets during inspections when the validators are blocked by the driver. They can also use the myTicket app to check in passengers when boarding Gran Turismo lines, by reading the ticket’s QR code or checking it off the trip sheet.

Handhelds and control systems
Control is carried out through the Android myCheck app, which is part of the myWork suite dedicated to mobility company personnel. The software is configured to adapt to the characteristics of the ticketing system and the media provided: account based contactless or on QR code, card centric contactless, EMV, mobile ticket, or a mix of the above. Interaction with the contactless is done through the NFC terminal; with the QR code, through optical reading. If the passenger has forgotten their subscription at home, the app allows online searches in the loyal user database.
In the case of reservation-based lines, the app also checks if the passenger is on the correct run and route.
The system can manage degradation situations, such as the temporary unavailability of the connection or suburban tickets validated with a faulty AVL.
The offer also includes myCoins, an app that supports the activities of emptying parking meters and other cash payment devices.
Fine issuance
Thanks to the myCheck app, inspectors can easily enter reports onboard the vehicle. Where possible, the data is automatically pre-filled, drawing from the loyal customer database, the fined database, or the health card. In case of repeat offenses, the system automatically calculates the applicable surcharges.
If the Android terminal has banking certifications, it can also handle payment via debit/credit card, Google Pay, or Apple Pay.
The reports are then automatically sent to the back end, where our “”Verificatori”” module, already used by dozens of carriers, manages the entire lifecycle of administrative fines. It is possible to configure the workflow through flexible business rules that define the possible states of the report (entered adult, notification sent adult, paid, paid in installment, appeal, archived, etc.), the types of operations (e.g., cancellation, sending injunction, notification of injunction, etc.), the allowed status transitions, the possible reports to generate, the types of report models, the types of printable documents, both standard and customized (revenue printouts, adult notifications, etc.), the rates and surcharges in effect.

In addition to onboard payment, the fine can be paid online through a web application, at ticket offices, on TVMs, or at the post office. For this purpose, the “Verificatori” module implements a series of data import/export based on the tracks defined by Poste Italiane. It is also possible to pay at one of the 45,000 Sisal sales points widely distributed across the country: the user shows the SisalPay receiver the code printed on the fine and makes the payment.

A set of reports measures the KPIs: trend of issued reports, percentage of paid reports, payment methods, average delay, inspector productivity, lines, and areas with the highest fare evasion.

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